There is another couple from my agency going on their first trip to Ethiopia on October 20th. They have graciously agreed to take a care package to A and to take pictures. I bought him 3 onesies and a cloth photo album! In the photo album, I put pictures of me, of grandma and grandpa, and of one of the doggies. I hope that some of the great folks visiting him will show him the pictures and talk to him about it and that the nannies will too!
There are 3 other AAI families that are currently in country and visiting A's orphanage. I sent them his referral photo, so hopefully, they will find him and take some updated pictures for me. I'm getting a bit anxious for an update. I called Sally at the agency, and she said I may expect something around the end of the month!! I'm looking forward to that.
Tomorrow night, I will get together with other families in Birmingham who have adopted Ethiopian children. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to interact with all of the parents and kids!! I hope to develop relationships with these folks who all share a unique bond so that A has a connection with other Ethiopian Americans.
Can't wait to share more about that!!
yay! i'm so glad you are coming tonight. it is really nice to get together. and we single moms (by choice) all need together as well.