Andrew and Mommy

Andrew and Mommy

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

My first mother's far, I have played on the floor with Andrew, given him breakfast, done his laundry, and now, I'm watching him take a nap! Being a mom. He is absolutely the most beautiful boy in the world. I am so lucky to be his mommy.

Andrew--I love you up to the sky.....and for all yesterdays, todays and tomorrows!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful moms in my life--my own incredible mom, my sisters, aunts, cousins, nieces, friends, and fellow adoptive moms! We share the bond of motherhood and of making the world a better place through our children!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Andrew is lucky to have you as his mommy. I love watching you be a mommmy even if it is mostly through pictures. Love you!

  2. Happy 1st Mother's Day, friend! You are an awesome mom. See you on Friday!
